BSN Salaries in Maine

Maine’s growing nursing workforce is starting to change as more nurses are pursuing BSN degrees in order to attract more job offers, expedite career advancement, and achieve higher salaries.

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In 2013, the American Association of Colleges of Nurses reported that there were 2,268 students enrolled in pre-licensure and RN-BSN nursing programs throughout Maine. That year, 563 graduates successfully completed baccalaureate and graduate-level nursing programs in Maine.

Comparing Salaries Between BSN and ADN Educated RNs in Maine

Employers award BSN-educated nurses with higher pay rates than those with ADNs because BSN degrees require more clinical practice, teach more complex techniques, and put greater emphasis on science-based learning related to evidence-based practice. Therefore, BSN-educated nurses prove more valuable in challenging situations, and are compensated accordingly.

In 2013, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics found that ADN-educated nurses working in Maine earned an average annual salary of $52,300 and an average hourly wage of $25.16.

That same year, federal government reports show that BSN-educated nurses employed in Maine earned an average annual salary of $72,600 and an average hourly wage of $34.88.

Although some students and licensed nurses are reluctant to invest in BSN programs because of the financial strain they present, the state boasts several nursing scholarship options, including:

  • Grande Du Maine Chester Worthington Scholarship
  • Grande Du Maine Volture 354 Scholarship
  • OMNE/Nursing Leaders of Maine Scholarship

Students and licensed nurses can improve their salary potential by enrolling in a pre-licensure or RN-BSN bridge program offered at colleges and universities located in Bangor, Augusta, Standish, Orono, Fort Kent, and Portland. These schools offer BSN programs and RN-BSN programs, along with accelerated BSN programs designed for those with a bachelor’s degree in an area other than nursing.

Regional Pay for BSN Nurses in Maine

BSN-educated nurses are some of the highest paid workers in their occupation. As such, they consistently earn within the 75th and 90th salary percentiles.

In 2013, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics released the following data to show the difference in pay among BSN-educated nurses working in both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas of Maine:

Area name
Hourly 90th percentile wage
Bangor ME
Lewiston-Auburn ME
Portland-South Portland-Biddeford ME
Portsmouth NH-ME
Rochester-Dover NH-ME
Northeast Maine nonmetropolitan area
Southwest Maine nonmetropolitan area

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